Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cash is King

A recent conversation with my six year old during the "10 minute break" at the swimming pool:

Riley: "Dad, did you bring any snacks?"

Me: "No, I forgot" (I'm not sure snacks actually crossed my mind).

Riley: "Mom would have brought snacks"

Me: "I know".

Riley: "Do you have any money for snacks?"

Me: "No" (it is towards the end of the pay period; I don't have money for anything!)

Riley: "Does Mom have any money?"

Me: "No" (apparently, he hasn't figured out that we share our money).

Riley: "Do you have a credit card? Because with a credit card you can buy snacks without having any money."

Me: (thinking, how does he know this?!?) "I know, but no, your mom and I do not have a credit card".

Riley: (disappointed, but understanding) "ok".


  1. that is hillarous

  2. Oh my!! That sounds like my nephew alright! He is pretty smart... so smart that he'll probably soon realize that pastors aren't in "it" for "the money"!! Ha!!


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