Thursday, February 23, 2012

Strong Opinions

I believe everyone has strong opinions. I believe every person has a strong opinion on politics, religion, economics, parenting, culture, and a host of other issues.

The interesting thing is what people do with their strong opinions.

Some never share their opinions and instead opt to live out their opinions.

Some always share their opinions while putting forth little effort to living out their opinions.

And some do both- they share their opinions and try to live out their opinions.

I am not sure there's a 'right' category here, simply that we all have strong opinions and thus the responsibility is what we do with those opinions.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Some interesting links to pass along:

  • A post on loving one's neighbor (and also giving to your local church) here

  • A post on the importance of mentoring children here. Live in SF and want to know more abotu mentoring- let me know.

  • A great post from Hillcrest's own worship leader here.

  • And for those interested, you can follow the blog from Hillcrest's return trip to Sudan (scheduled for April) by clicking here.