Friday, December 18, 2009

Church Hiding Places

All of my kids probably feel like our church facility is a second home for them (they run around like it is, anyways) and recently my first grader discovered a new hideout with his buddy. Here's a recap of the convo:

Riley: "Dad, Jamie and I have a secret hideout at church."

Me: "Where's that?"

Riley: "(forgetting that it's a secret hideout) oh, it's the place where Pastor Doug pushes people under water"

Me: "you mean the baptismal tank?"

Riley: "if that's where Pastor Doug pushes people under water. By the way, have you ever pused people under water?"

Me: "Yes, a few".

Riley: "(laughing) you've pushed people under water?!? Why?!?"

Me: "it's called baptism, and (realizing I'm going to have a hard time explaining this to a 1st grader) it's something that people who follow Jesus do when they want to show other people that they follow Jesus (save your inditments of my heresy or incomplete explanation of baptism)

Riley: "(laughing again) well I know lots of people who follow Jesus who haven't been pushed under water . . ."

True, true.


  1. Too funny! He sounds so grown up! And reasons very well ;) Can't wait to see you soon!

  2. Love that adorable story, Brian. We talked to Gene and Rose tonight and I passed on your blogspot to him.
