Monday, July 12, 2010


Some happenings in the Stroh fam to pass along:
  • My oldest son Riley learned to water ski at nana and papa's lake on the last weekend in June. So cool. We'll see if he remembers how to do it when we're there next. We were also able to take in Zorbaz (quickly becoming my favorite lake restaurant) and also be there for my grandparents' 60th anniversary. Very good times.
  • We were out in the Black Hills with Tarina's family the weekend of the 4th. Very fun time. Took in Mt. Rushmore, 1880 Train, Cosmos (I got a little sick here), and Tarina even managed to squeeze in an old time photo of the kiddos in Deadwood.
  • At Mt. Rushmore, we looked up from one of the 'cave' opening where a woman tells Riley that if he looks out the cave, he can see Thomas Jefferson. Riley does, and then says, 'actually, I see George Washington'. Wanna know who was right? Hint- bet on the 7 year old.
  • Took in a Sioux Falls Pheasants' game as Riley's baseball team was the little league team of the night. We got great seats for a lwo price, the team got to warm up on the field, got introduced on the big screen, and got to stand next to players during the national anthem. Very fun. To top it off, since it was 'ladies' night Kinsley got to yell 'play ball' over the PA system.
  • Wes and Riley head off to 'nana and papa camp' this week for a few days of grandparent spoling and where they will rarely heard a word that they often hear in our home- 'no'.

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates! I still need to see that video of Riley skiing. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend and also wish I got to see your boys when they were here without you. They've been whisked away to the lake...
