A couple weeks ago Tarina visited her sister in Spokane, WA, and so thus it was six days and five sleeps of 'daddy day care'. Throw in the aformentioned basement flooding which occurred while Tarina was gone and you now have Noah's Ark + Daddy Day Care. Needless to say, we were so glad when mom came home and order was restored, but it got me thinking about single parents do it. Hillcrest has several single parent homes, and several who also got water in their basements, and I wondered how they do it? After a few days of a single parent experience, I have some questions:
- when does a single parent find time to exercise? I normally go to the gym in the mornings while T is at home with kids. No exercise for me while she was gone, unless you count numerous trips up and down stairs with sopping wet carpet.
- how does a single parent find a missing dog when the kids are sleeping? My dog loves to run away- not sure if it's a grass is greener kind of thing, but late one night my dog ran away and the kids were all asleep. Now I love my pet, but not enough to disturb 4 sleeping children for! Needless to say, Pepper came home, but I'm not going to type out how!
- how does a single parent cook (or do laundry, or mow the lawn, or any other household chore)? Fortunately, I had multiple offers of meals and people who had us over and I of course took the kids out several times- but with everything else going on that week, I had a hard time doing the things that needed to get done around the house without the help of my spouse.
I have other questions too, but I have a much greater appreciation for those who are single parents- they really are super heroes. The scriptures talk quite a bit about widows. We typically think of widows as those whose spouse has passed away, but I think a more contemporary version of a widow is the single parent, and the scriptures are clear on the role those who follow Christ are to play in the lives of the widows.