Saturday, January 28, 2012

Your tacos are better than ours!

I remember saying that one time to some friends who had us over for supper. The meal was tacos and they were the best tacos we'd ever had. But the thing was, there wasn't anything fancy about them, no special sauce, no magic ingredient, just tacos and fixings, and yet they were delicious. I wonder if the awesomeness of those tacos wasn't actually in the taco themselves, but rather in the gift of hospitality from some dear friends. I could've used the same meat, same seasoning, and same fixings and wound up with the same tacos- but they probably wouldn't have tasted as good because I had to prep them myself.

When it comes to serving and ministry, there's perhaps a correlation- there's all kinds of things that people can do themselves, but sometimes there's magic in serving others in simple ways, ways that they could have done for themselves (like making tacos), and when you serve them, there's a magical result (like the best tacos ever).

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