Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dos and Don'ts

I occassionally have the opportunity to interview people for employment. Here is my short list of do's and don'ts for prospective job lookers:
  • Don't tell me something great you did 3 years ago (or worse, 4 years ago!). Tell me something great you did this past year (or better, in the last 6 months).
  • Don't focus too much on your educational background (most folks have the same educational qualifications as you do); focus more on your experience and ability to work with people.
  • Don't flood me with facts, content, and data (those that know me can accuse of being hypocritical here as I love all of those things!). Do tell me stories, stories of how you did something great, stories of how you and your job made a difference, stories of what you hope to contribute here.
  • Don't come in with just a love for the job you are applying for (everyone can do that); do come in with a love for the organization you are applying to, because when you love your organization, it is easier to love your job (doesn't work so well in the other direction).


  1. good points Brian, if only the intital application/fact-finding forms so many organizations use wouldn't focus on those "dont's" opportunities for conversations/interviews in which the "do's" could be done would be much eaiser to come by - Peter

  2. Hey Peter-

    I agree. The first part of most processes, and even the types questions we ask in interviews, set us up for 'don't' answers.


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