Saturday, January 30, 2010

My Dave Ramsey Car

We've been working Dave Ramsey's plan for about a year and a half and are a few months from being debt free (except for the house). If you know much about Dave Ramsey, he suggets that you get yourself a 'garage sale car' for about a $1000 while you're working your way out of the debt. Being that our family went a couple of years without a second car, the luxury of getting a second car (a 1996 Ford Escort, with a hatch!) about a year and a half ago was awesome. Freedom. Not having to carpool everywhere. Less coordination needed on scheduling. And while the racescort, as my mechanic affectionately calls it, has certainly been a blessing, I've thought several times that perhaps either Ramsey needs to adjust his garage sale car price for inflation or I need to find a different one! So, some signs that my car may not last forever:
  • When a dealership features your make and model, with flashing hazard lights stuck in a snowbank, as the hook to get you to buy a new car (no joke, my vehicle was on the advertisement for the Automall at
  • When you only get concerned when there's more than two warning lights lit on your dashboard. If one of the lights is the check engine light, you still need one more to go off before taking it in.
  • When you won't let your wife drive it, not necessarily because of chivalry (though that is a good enough reason on its own!), but because you don't mind driving without a radio, interior lights, and a clock that doesn't work, while your wife does, and if she drives it too much, may actually want you to fix it (I know, I know, it's just a couple fuses).

Oh well, driving like no one else so that . . .


  1. That is sooo true!!! We sold our Taurus and bought a $900 1991 Chevy Blazer. I won't let Amanda back this thing out of the driveway let alone take it in public. You can't beat zero car payments. The sacrifice will be worth it. Live like no else to live like no else!!!

  2. Too funny! I WILL NOT drive that thing... Even just today I had to update my vehicle listing at MeritCare and the security guard asked me what kind of car I drive. I told him about my mini-van. He then asked what other car I drive and I said, "none". To which kindly asked if I only had one vehicle. I said "I only have one vehicle, because the beast of a car my husband drives will not see the likes of me as a drive". He then laughed on cue...
