Monday, March 14, 2011

Church bouncer

:You're free to leave our church". I actually said those words yesterday between our morning services as I had to ask a gentelman to leave our building. It seems weird to even type those words, but yes, I asked a man to leave our church. After this man had grilled Pastor Doug after his sermon, he came over to me and asked what our church's thoughts were on wearing hats in church (at the time, I didn't know he had just finished with Pastor Doug). I said people were free to wear hats or not to wear hats, their choice. As expected, he fired back that I must not take the bible seriously because in the bible it says that men are to remove their hats during worship (he's referencing 1 Corinthians 11). I said we do take the bible seriously. He countered that we must not since no one asked him to remove his hat (he had worn it throughout the service). I said, well you must not take scripture seriosuly either if you know the scripture and wore it throughout service. He said he did it as a test (now mind you, this conversation isn't happening in my office, but by the front doors as people are coming for second service! I'm uncomfortable, because the conflcit is escalating, and now is quickly moving to public spectacle!). I said we weren't going to confront a new person over a hat, and even more so knowing that said person was going using the wearing of a hat as a test. When he repeated his speech, I said "we can continue this conversation in my office or you are free to go". He said, "oh I know I am free to go" and then I said "well you should go then". I began to escort him out when he told me not to touch him (perhaps a mistake on my part!). As he left, I made sure he left our premises and then tried to collect myself for the start of second service! Good times.

Two thoughts: first, it remined me of the time when I was a youth pastor and called the cops because one of our students had become so disruptive that we feared for our safety. But that's probably another post! And second, I understand that one's theology and doctrine are serious and that we are to take them seriously, but is it serious enough to initiate that type of conflict and conversation? I'm tempted to think the man felt justified or confirmed that his opinion was right based on our lack of confrontation over his hat and then our ensuing conversation, but I wonder how events such as these impact the kingdom?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had that experience, B. Pretty crazy. It seems like some people are always looking for a fight. Usually when someone takes a stand like this person did (and I've probably done it too, although I don't think I've become that confrontational!), they may be in compliance with one part of the Bible but are doing it in a way that fails to obey other parts of the bible. We are to take the bible seriously and strictly obey it's teachings, but the Bible also clearly characterises Christians by their love for non-believers and believers alike. Sadly, it doesn't sound like this person was showing any love at all yesterday. If this person really wanted to make a complaint to the church over the wearing of a hat, I would think he would choose the path of meekness and humility and address it with you and Doug in private. I pray he softens his heart and bears more fruit...
