Sunday, July 10, 2011

What to Read

I've been asked a couple times recentlly how I decide what I am going to read. While I confess I haven't put too much thought into it, alas, here's a post to answer the question(!):

  • My favs- I have my favorite authors and generally read whatever they put out.

  • Other's favs- I follow several blogs, and from time to stumble across reading lists such as this one. From that list, I might read 1-2 of those recommendations. I also come across books others are reading from their blogs- see a book show up enough times, it's probably worth checking out. And of course, word of mouth recommendations from family and friends make it to my reading list as well.

  • Books- it's funny, but ocassionally the books I read recommend other books that I should read. So I might read one or two off that list. Now, there might be some conspiracy amongst all these various authors and publishers to artifically drive up book sales, but I've rarely been disappointed.

  • New skills- in the last year or so I've read books on grantwriting, social media, and screenwriting. Now, I'm not looking at switiching careers, but I've found that there's much crossover from these books and the skills they describe and various parts of my work. And in my amazon wishlist is a book on how to better use Powerpoint- who can't use that, right?!?
Not sure how brilliantly insightful that is, but there you go!

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