Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Get off the couch!

From Joshua 18:3- So Joshua said to the Israelites, "How long will you slack about going in and taking possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you?".

Couple thoughts:

  • The Israelites had already accomplished much including taking out Jericho, Canaan, and Judah. I am sure some had the thought that they had already done so much, why keep going so hard, or at least take a break?

  • Some of the tribes hadn't yet claimed their land. The text is quiet on why but we can offer some ideas- lack of motivation, wanting Joshua to do it, etc. Whatever the reason, Joshua was tired of their complancency and told them to move.

As I read this, I am reminded that the temptation to coast is always there for us, to think we've done enough or accomplished enough. And there's the other temptation to perhaps let someone else do the work for us, to let the Joshuas is our lives do the heavy lifting for us. If we give in to either temptation, though, we can expect to get a rebuke similar to the one the Israelites got from Joshua.

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