Once a month my wife teaches voice lessons and thus I have to find something for me and the kids to do- not that hard when the weather's nice, but a bit of challenge when the temp head south, so last month we visited a local Sioux Falls establishment that markets itself as a family friendly place. We arrived at the place and were greeted less than enthusiastically, as if a dad with 4 kids would be disrupting their afternoon of being paid to do nothing. We went to the first area and it was ok, but things soon changed when we went to the main area (I realize I could tell you where I was, but I will spare them and you!). Now, to be fully honest, it was a Sunday afternoon so I might have been a little distracted checking the Packers score, then my fantasy team's score, and then back to the Packers, but I was still plenty of engaged. My kids broke the first rule within 10 seconds- no touching. Ok, fair enough, but the reason given for no touching was ludricous. After five more minutes, my older two broke another rule- no 'heelying' (for the uniformed, as I was a few weeks ago, a 'heely' is a shoe with wheels so it doubles as a shoe and a roller skate). Pretty sure that heelying isn't in the rules, but you get the drift.
By now, I am annoyed, as the no heelying is what I call an 'annoyance rule'- it's a rule we make up because we're annoyed, not because it is wrong or immoral. We left the establishment soon after that and I told T I don't want to go back.
I am sure the spot is just fine, but they ought to market who they are- an organization that appeals to senior citizens, hermits, and kids- but only kids who are sleeping or in strollers (and preferably, both!) not market something they're not . . .
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