Friday, November 1, 2013

Have to or Get to?

There are certain things on my schedule, my to do list, or within my budget that are things I have to do.

Even things that I used to think were optional- like purchasing books at the school's book fair or from a book order- I soon realized these were things I was going to have to do (I realize I still have choice, but you know what I mean!).

And with these things, I'd get crabby about them.  Moan about the cost.  Complain about the schedule.  Whine about the time.

Then I came across this blog entry.

Lately, I've been making these lists more mornings than not and really appreciating the benefit of seeing these activities through the lens of "Get to" rather than "Have to".

Because if I get to do something, I'm more likely to enjoy it/learn from it/be positive about it than if I have to do it.

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