Thursday, July 30, 2009

God Answers Knee Mail

For last night's Wednesday Night Service Tarina and I served with our 2-two year olds over at Fran’s house. Fran is an older woman with varying health issues. We went as part of Workers on Wheels to do some light cleaning. We vacuumed the upstairs, mopped some floors, and cleaned the bathrooms. Before we arrived at Fran's house, we were unsure what to expect, as we were bringing the 2 year olds, and bringing them into a stranger’s home (and an elderly stranger at that) and expecting to get things done with them might have been asking for too much! But the evening was a great experience. The two year olds were able to help- Kinsley used paper towels to help me clean the bathroom while Charley had his own dust pan and brush and he went around the sweeping the floors. We had the house cleaned in an hour and a half (it helped that Fran is already a pretty clean person and we didn't actually have much to clean!), but more importantly, our two years olds were introduced to one of their first serving experiences. Before we left, we all joined hands and prayed with Fran; she reminded us that God doesn’t answer email but ‘knee-mail’.

This summer we haven't provided child care for Wednesday Night Service, and I think for some folks serving with children, especially younger children, is a daunting thought. And while the thought for us is still just as daunting, and while it isn't particularly easy, it was a tremendous experience and one we won't soon forget. If the goal is to accomplish as much work as possible at a serving event, then children, especially younger children, will always seem like a hindrance. But if the goal is to engage people (especially people from different walks of life) through a serving event, then children only help to foster that engagement, and getting some work done is a bonus.

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