Friday, October 1, 2010

Where's the beef?

To summarize Dave Workman in his book The Outward Focused Life:

Sometimes Christians wonder where the meaty teaching is- either from the pulpit, their small group, or even children's/student ministries. They claim that they wish the pastor/leader/teacher would go deeper, because apparently what's being taught is elementary and they are so past that. Workman responds this way: "Tell me who you think was the deepest teacher who ever existed. If anyone throuhgout history was going to do a Bible Study, who would be the best teacher?"

Is there not a Christian who wouldn't say "Jesus"?

Workman continues: what is the largest collected sermon we have by Jesus? Ther Sermon on the Mount- Matthew 5-7. You read that and tell me what's deep there. Jesus isn't doing some exegetical teaching of the tabernacle or the mandated feasts that all the male Jews had to attend. He's saying things like "here's how you love one another; here's how you love God. Don't do this with God. Don't do this with each other; do that instead.

His rant continues, but makes a good argument. Can we move to deep when so many of us, me included, haven't mastered the shallow?

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