Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The 20 Most Irritating things Christians Say

Hillcrest starts a new series this Sunday called the 20 Most Irritating Things Christians Say. it's similar to a series we did a couple of years ago. We'll have a 'wheel of fortune' type of wheel on the stage and a Hillcrester will come to the front and spin the wheel. Whatever saying it lands on, Pastor Doug will teach on that saying and why it is irritating. We're poking some fun at ourselves, but in all seriousness, it will force us to examine the theology behind the things we say. For instance, if someone suddenly loses their job, one of the things we might say is "well, just pray about it". This well-intentioned advice is ok, and prayer is always a good thing. But prayer won't fill out the job application and it won't answer questions at the job interview. So the saying is incomplete. What the person probably means that in the midst of taking the initative to locate a job, prayer is a good thing as well.

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