Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Time is (not) Money

From The Best of Guerrilla Marketing:

Successful people also used to boast about how busy they were.

According to the author, time is the most important resource we have.

Not money.

Everyone is busy. Everyone has schedules, to do lists, jobs, families, friends, and TV shows to keep up on (!).

Instead of saying 'I don't have time for . . . (whatever that is)', instead say 'I spend my time . . . '. I'll admit, I'm tempted to use the 'I don't have time' excuse, but really, I have the same amount of time as everyone else.

Instead of trying to compete with others by saying how busy you are (or, how unbusy you are, as both can be dangerous), make time for the people that matter to you. And for the things that matter to you.

Instead of wondering how 'so and so does it all' or how 'so and so has time for . . .', do a time audit. How do you spend your time? I know I'd have more time for more important things if I shut off the TV from time to time.

1 comment:

  1. not sure I followed the first line, but I agree with the overall premise stated. One of my favorite quotes for several years has been this... time is "a gift from God, and His priorities can always be fulfilled in the amount of time we have been given.... God is lavish with His gifts, so that there is always enough time to do what Jesus calls us to do" - William McConnell, The Gift of Time. (the key is figuring out what that call is)
    - Peter
