What if everyone isn’t an artist?
There seems to be a popular trend right now saying your job or your work (and by job or work we mean what you do for money) is to be seen more like art. To be fair, when they say art, they mean more then just painting, drawing, singing, and sculpting. They argue that any time you're doing something for the fun of it, something you lose yourself in, rather than the obligation of it, that something can be art. These authors also argue the nature of work is changing and that the new economy will reward the linchpins, those are irreplaceable, those whose work becomes almost ‘art like’.
The debate even hit popular culture when a Modern Family episode earlier this year featured a squabble between the in-laws (who all had the creative, artistic dreams and ideas) against the laws (who were the realists, the party poopers, and sought to crush the dreamers’ dreams). The show ends of course with the laws lookling like ruthless dream killers and the creative in-laws as being worthy of unending sympathy! If I was asked who I am more like- Claire the dream killer or Phil the dreamer, it'd be Claire!
Full disclosure- I’ve never been much of an artist. I got a “C” in junior high art class, and even that was a gift because there's no way I am an even average artist! I still remember having mild anxiety anytime we did art in an elementary classroom. I’d look at what other kids were doing, ask the teacher multiple times for assistance, and still never produce anything that even closely resembled whatever it was that we were supposed to be creating!
I don't play anything, draw anything, or paint anything, but sure appreciate and respect everyone who do all of those things! The truth is I get more elation out of a plan coming together, out of a new idea taking action, out of a budget being balanced, out of seeing something that our church is doing having an impact, then I do out of painting something, singing something, or playing something. If the idea of art is expanding to include those things, count me in! If not, then there will always be the divide between those who create and the rest of us.
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