Saturday, June 23, 2012

Something to Say

One of my college mentors had a saying: "as long as you're in God's word, you'll always have something to say".  He said this primarily in response to the question of what we should be discussing when it came to bible studies in the dorms, what curriculum to use when leading studies for small groups or youth group, that kind of thing.

As a pastor, this advice still comes in handy when I'm asked to pray, give a devotional, or lead in some similar way. 

The caution, though, is that we're tempted to see our time with God as something that's useful for everyone else- our family, our friends, our coworkers, etc.  It's the 'you have to hear this sermon' or 'you have to read this book' syndrome.  While we should be passing on what we're learning, we must not forget to spend time with God for our sake, for what he wants to do in our own lives.

1 comment:

  1. the saying is a good reminder, as are your insights that you follow it with - thanks for your continued nuggets of wisdom as you blog - Peter
