Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hillcrest Q&A- I Saw The Sign

Question: How do we know when something is truly a “sign” from God? I often hear Christians say that this or that in their life was a “sign.”

·         Anything God clearly reveals you and I to do (love others, pray, encourage one another, give, etc) or not to do (lie, gossip, hate, be divisive, etc) through the scriptures are signs from God!
·         I suspect this question might have more in mind with life’s bigger decisions- jobs and careers, spouses and children, moving or not moving, etc.  Are there signs God gives on who to marry (or not marry) or where to work (or not work)?
o   Does God have your life scripted for you or are you free to make your choices?  If life is scripted for you, then figuring out the signs is a matter of life or death.  If, on the other hand, you have some freedom to make choices, then it’s not so much of finding the person you are to marry or the job you are supposed to have, it is to make these choices and decisions against your biblically informed worldview.
o   The story of your life- your likes and dislikes, your passions, your strengths and weaknesses, your personality and temperament, your hobbies and skills- all of these were given to you by God and are incredibly useful for determining things like careers, family life, and purpose of life.  Tools such as journaling, having a spiritual mentor, and studies such as Emerging Journey (which we offer each fall at Hillcrest) or Storyline (which Tarina and I will be going through this school year with our small group) can be incredible tools for determining God’s signs!

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