Monday, October 10, 2011


It's been said that the only constant in life is change. Yes, that statement seems to be a contradiction, and yet everywhere I turn, I see change:

  • My HyVee is totally remodeling and changing the whole store

  • Facebook introduced some new changes the past couple of weeks with more in store

  • Netflix recently decided to change by splitting its streaming service from the DVD by mail service

We all respond to change in different ways. A few of us like change and adopt to it early; marketers call this group early adopters. The biggest section of us- the middle or the normal- adopt after a service or product is mainstreamed. At the moment the early adopters are doing the new thing, the middle group is buying or getting used to the old thing. The last section- the laggards or the late adopters- almost fight tooth and nail against change. This group probably still has a VCR- that they bought last month!

It's interesting to notice people's response to change. Take HyVee- I've heard several east-side shoppers almost complain that they like the old store the way it was because they knew where stuff was. True, but the new store will have better organization and newer and better 'specialites' such as the deli, Starbucks, and pharmacy.

Or Facebook- whenever they roll out changes, my wall fills with posts of people griping. And yet Facebook carries on and we still use the service. In record numbers.

And when Netflix changed, there was downright anger. So much so, that they've actually reversed course.

That's the thing about change- it is such a common part of life. Yes, leaders need to do the best they can to communicate the change and lead well throughout the change. Failing to do so results in a Newflix incident. And yet, most of the time, the changes happen whether we like them or not. What matters is what we do with all of the change around us and how we lead with or through change in our own lives, be that at work, school, home, or church.

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