Sunday, August 30, 2009

I stink at tetherball!

I resumed mentoring my mentee over at Cleveland this past Thursday over lunch. After lunch, we hit the playground as he wanted to play tetherball. I don't really get the concept of tetherball- a pole, a ball on a string, an oval playing surface. I mean there are so many other options: football, basketball, even four square seems a better option, but tetherball is a big deal right now for 4th graders as every tetherball court (is that what you'd call it?!?) was full with lines waiting to play. I quickly learned that I stink at tetherball! The game favors those with height, and since my mentee is a couple inches taller than me (seriously!), I inevitbaly lost to him several times. No big deal. A bit more crushing to the pride was losing to a 4th grade girl who was like 3 feet tall!

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