Sunday, June 2, 2013

Thanking Invisible People

Each week, Hillcrest publishes the "Soul Provider"- our Sunday bulletin along with a daily devotional guide that goes with the Sunday sermon.  A team of 20 or so volunteers take turns writing the entries for the week.  They do a fantastic job.  The content is meaningful and we hear from folks all the time how much they appreciate the Soul Provider.

And outside of our staff and themselves, no one know who they are.  No one knows who writes the Soul Provider and consequently, who to thank or appreciate for the ministry.

There's invisible people in every organization.  The work of a leader is to make sure to not only know who their invisible people are, but to make them more visible- to recognize and reward them so they know they are not forgotten or taken for granted.

Last week I sent an email to our Soul Provider authors, thanking them for their ministry, passing on some of the encouragement I had heard about their writings, and encouraging them to keep doing what they are doing.

Who are the invisible people in your organization and what can you do make them more visible?

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