Monday, October 7, 2013

Storyline and God's Will for Your Life

One of the more frequent questions I get asked as a pastor centers on God's will for a person's life.  To be more specific, the questions usually relate to family, friends, and careers/jobs.  What does God want for these essential parts of our lives?  There tends to be two ways to look at these types of questions.  The first is from a determined perspective, where God has a specific person for you to marry, a specific number of children for you to have, and a specific job and company and position you are to have and it's up to you to decipher the 'closed doors' and 'open windows' to get to these specifics.

If that's your perspective, this blog post may not be for you!

The second is a free will perspective, where God gives people choices on these matters, where there is no right answer, and yet God leads through you and in you to the choices that best suit you.  There's more tools available than ever to help you determine God's plan for your life, and one we recently began working through with our small group is Storyline.  Storyline looks at your life like a character in a movie.  It's written in user-friendly terms.  It's considers your life's ups and downs, your abilities and roles, and aims to conduct your storyline- how God has wired you- to make a difference in God's world.  You can do Storyline on your own, in a group, or with a life coach and it's really inexpensive ($30) for the material you are getting.

Storyline is similar to another program I did a few years ago and that our church also offers and is also good.

The key- both focus on your past and how God has wired you as keys to discovering what God wants you to be/do.

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