Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Perspective of Family

My wife's family is all pastors.  Seriously.  Her dad is a pastor.  His dad was a pastor.  Her dad's sister (her aunt) married a pastor.  Her sister and brother-in-law co-pastor a church in Washington.  Her mom works with and consults pastors.  So when we get together for holidays and get-togethers, it can be really fun to talk shop.  What are you teaching on?  What issues are you facing?  What's happening in your churches, denominations, regions, etc?  It's a joy to hear stories and learn from their experiences as someone in the trenches with them.

My side of the family is not necessarily pastors (though my dad's brother is a pastor and his sister was a missionary to Africa), but they follow Jesus, attend various churches, and serve in unique and various capacities in their various churches.  Some help with worship while others usher.  Some help with children's ministries and others assist with the youth ministry.  Some sit on boards that talk about money while others sit on committees that talk about men's and women's ministries.  Some are in small groups while others are in bible studies.  And when we've gotten together recently, I have enjoyed learning about church from their perspective, and more importantly, what works (and doesn't!) when it comes to interactions between churches and pastors and/or leadership.  

I think in any profession there's the temptation to have some tunnel vision- to think that your perspective or opinion is the only one there is.  When I talk with people who attend church- whether it is those who attend Hillcrest or other churches- it is an opportunity to learn what matters to them when it comes to church and how I as a pastor can better assist people in their following of Jesus.

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