Monday, March 11, 2013

Forty Cents

My son and I were at DQ the other day taking advantage of BOGO blizzards (though not for me, as the Lenten sweets fast continues) when I caught eyes with someone walking outside.  He then came in, made some small talk, and asked if I could spare forty cents.


Of course, I said and gave him some pocket change.  Enough to help him get a burger.

Point isn't to put me on a pedestal because a) it was only forty cents and b) if I am honest, I usually say "no" to such requests.  Most training I've received on assisting the under-resourced always advocates saying "no" in this situation.  The training is well-intended.  You don't know where it's going.  You don't want to enable.  You don't know how many other people have been asked for forty cents already today.  And the reasons- good reasons- go on and on.

And while the reasons are good, and I'll continue to use them, sometimes you go with your gut.  As someone who's never been in a position to ask another human being for forty cents (unless you count the junior high lunch line and not having enough change for ice cream), I can't imagine what that's like.  To be in the position where you are forty cents away from eating.

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