Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Say Yes to the Fundraiser

My wife is a very generous person.  Loves to give gifts.  Loves to support friends' kids, neighbor kids, and other kids with their various fundraising initiatives.

Me?  Not so much.

I'm thankful I learned the discipline of tithing and giving at an early age, but I still have harder time than she does with spontaneous giving.

A few weeks ago a couple middle school aged boys from the neighborhood came to my door.  They were raising funds for their wrestling club.  Jerseys, equipment, that kind of thing.  I listened to their pitch, and since I didn't know them nor had a passion for wrestling, I said no.  They were disappointed, but thanked me for my time, and went to the next house.

I normally have no problem saying no something like that.  Because, I didn't even know them!  That's short-term thinking.

Later on though, I had some long-term thoughts.  These boys were middle school boys in my neighborhood. An activity such as wrestling teaches them sportsmanship, hard work, and discipline.  Belonging to a team gives them a group to be part of and a common goal to work towards.  Being part of an extra-curricular activity such as wrestling gives the boys a better chance of achieving better grades and staying out of trouble (like egging the homes of people who didn't give to the wrestling club!).  That's long-term thinking.

Obviously, we're not able to or supposed to support everything.  I know too often in my thinking my default is 'no'.

I wish I could go back and give to those boys, but truth is, I haven't seen them since.  But, when the opportunity comes again, I'll say yes to the fundraiser.

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