Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sermon Leftovers: Jairus' Daughter

There is incredible risk in living out the kind of gospel Jesus depicts in these stories.  There is an incredible risk in being like the farmer in the first story and simply telling another person about Jesus.  There is incredible risk in being like the prodigal son in the second story and admitting you were a fool and begging your father for forgiveness.  Not only that, there’s incredible risk for the father in that story- to not only accept his son back, but to throw a party and restore him back to where he was.  And with this story of Jairus’ daughter, there’s incredible risk involved for Jesus, to dismiss the Jewish laws and customs and instead seek out the girl and bring her back to life.
This morning, you may feel like the prodigal son.  You may feel like the seed that’s been tossed on the pavement or amongst the thorns.  I know it can sound cliché, but God is for you.  God wants you to return to Him.  He sent Jesus into this world- as John writes- not to condemn people, but to save them.  If you’ve never made the decision to follow Jesus with your life, I encourage you to take a risk and decide to follow Jesus.

Some others of us here this morning we might be feeling like, you know, we’re good with Jesus.  We’ve made that decision.  And yet, God is calling each of us here to be like the farmer in the first story, to be like the father in the second story, and to be like Jairus in the last story- to be the kinds of people who bring the good news to others.  I know it’s risky and I know it can be scary.  I feel those exact same emotions as well.  And when Jesus touches Jarius’ dead daughter, he risked a lot.  And the people God might be calling you to share his good news with- it might be risky.  Family might think you’re crazy.  Coworkers might chuckle or talk about you behind your back.  Your neighbors might put up a for sale sign in their yard. 

There’s always risk in telling others about Jesus.  And yet if we believe this is the way to live life- if we believe that Jesus is who Jesus said he was- is it really that big of a risk?

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