Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sermon Leftovers: Jesus Feeds the Masses

Here’s what I want to focus on this morning- the disciples approach this problem with an outsourcing mindset.  There’s a lot of people here, they are getting hungry, heck the disciples themselves probably could use a bite, so they come to Jesus with their plan- look, Jesus, it’s getting late.  The restaurants are going to be closing soon, so unless you want a mutiny on your hands, I suggest you wrap up your little talk, as your conference promotional material didn’t say anything about feeding these folks. 

And what does Jesus say- you give them something to eat.  You feed them!

I am fairly certain my response would have been the same as the disciples’- ah, with what?!  We’d have to work form months just to afford a spread for this crowd.  You must be joking!

We know the rest of the story- Jesus finds a boy with some bread and some fish, he gives thanks, and everyone is fed- with leftovers- off of this meager lunch.  It is one of the only miracles outside of the resurrection that is written in each of the four gospels.  But I wonder how many times we approach life with the scarcity mindset that the disciples display in this story.  God calls us to do something or serve someone- he invites us to be a part of blessing others, to be salt and light, and instead of receiving the invitation, we make up excuses.  We say, you must be joking.  And focus on all of the reasons why we are not qualified to help.  We don’t have the right education, the right experience, the right words to say, the right qualifications, the right family situation, the right work schedule, and we focus on what we don’t have- scarcity thinking- instead of what we do have to offer- or abundance thinking.  The boy who eventually comes forward with the fish and the bread- know what he doesn’t say- he doesn’t say, well all I have is this bread and fish, or I only have this fish and bread but it’s going to take a whole lot more to feed this crowd, or I have this but there’s no way it’s going to work.  No, he’s faithful with what he has and lets God worry about the results.  Who can ask for more than that?

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