Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sermon Leftovers: The Masses Leave Jesus

 Jesus is at the top of his popularity level.  He’s teaching with authority, he’s healing the sick, bringing dead people back to life, challenging the religious authorities- he’s wildly popular.  But then he begins to have some strange talks- things like people having to eat his flesh and drink his blood- pointing to his death on the cross- as essential to following him and it gets too hard to follow Jesus.  It gets too difficult to keep following this guy.  

Sure, all of the miracles and easy teachings are great- but when Jesus begins to make me feel uncomfortable, when he begins to ask something of me, when he begins to challenge me- well then, that’s where I get off.  I’d rather maintain my status quo then risk looking like some sort of Jesus freak.

You see, there’s always choice involved with following Jesus.  We can choose to leave, to stop following, to say it’s too difficult to do good in the name of Jesus, or we can be like Peter and say ‘Lord, to whom would we go?.  You have the words that give eternal life’.  We have found the very meaning to life in you so why would we go elsewhere?

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