Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Questions Worth Pondering

I meet each Friday with a group of guys and we've been discussing this book.  One of the last chapters we discussed had some tough questions we all resonated with.  Here's the list:

·        Why did I pick this job?  Did I consult God in the decision?
·        Does the product or service I produce offer value to the culture that is consistent with God’s moral principles?
·        Does the way I provide those products or services offer value to the culture that is consistent with God’s moral principles?
·        Is the marketing of those products and services consistent with God’s moral principles?
·        Does my management of the budget area I am responsible for reflect principles of stewardship?
·        Am I making decisions that reflect concern for the long-term well-being of the investors, owners, customers, and employees where I serve?
·        Are the workers, coworkers, and customers I’m responsible for being treated with dignity?
·        Are the workers, coworkers, and customers I’m responsible for being treated with equity?
·        Are the workers, coworkers, and customers I’m responsible for being treated with justice, and where possible, with mercy?
·        Am I resolving conflict in ways that honor God?
·        Am I differentiating between mistakes and negligence?
·        Do I refrain from criticizing customers, coworkers, and employees to others?
·        Do I exhibit forgiveness?
·        Are the expectations of my job reasonable, allowing me to meet the other requirements God gives me in life?
·        Are my expectations of my workers reasonable, allowing them to meet the other requirements God gives them?
·        Do my memos, reports, conversations, discussions, and other communication reflect a commitment to honesty?
·        Do I withhold information that might be useful to others in my company because it could give them an advantage in promotion or influence?
·        Do my natural conversations at work reflect the nature and depth of my relationship with Jesus Christ?
·        Do I refrain from retaliation against customers, coworkers, and competitors?
·        Do I know my coworkers well enough to describe my faith in terms they can understand when the opportunity presents itself?
·        Am I willing to sacrifice gain in my own career if it produces an outcome that serves others in my work culture more effectively?

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