Thursday, May 30, 2013

Automated Customer Service

Hillcrest has a great relationship with our online giving vendor.  In fact, if your church doesn't provide online giving as an option, I'd recommend Vanco.  Since we started using Vanco, 25% of our monthly offerings come in online and most donors who give online are giving more than they gave prior to giving online.

Recently, Vanco rolled out a product that essentially allows you to use your iPhone or iPad to process credit and debit transactions.  Now before you get all 'Jesus overturning money-changing tables in the temple' on me, the primary use for this is not for donations.  It's for VBS money, middle school camp, high school mission trip, the ladies tea, and the men's retreat.  It's for the church activities where you'd love to swipe your card rather than write a check or pull out cash.

This all sounded good, but there was one problem.  I don't have an iPhone or an iPad.  My phone and tablet are 'droids'.  So I contacted the company, thanked them for this notice, and inquired as to when they might be rolling out compatible products for the droid market.

Their response?

The same communication they had already sent me- touting the iProducts and completely ignoring my request.

For real?  Is it too much to send an email saying "hey, good idea, we're looking into that".  Or, "right now, we don't have products for the droid, but we'll look into it".  Something other than what you already told me!

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