Wednesday, May 1, 2013

They Will Know We Are Christians

Reading in Romans recently and got stuck on 14:13- "so let's stop condemning each other".

I've posted before about how Christians like to devour our own, how we're more known for what we are against then what we are for, that kind of thing.

In this section, Paul's talking about food and drink.  Is it ok to eat this or drink that?  What about believers who struggle with those things?  Then what?

Our culture and time has its own issues, its unique ways of asking is it ok to do this or that (or not ok).  We ultimately take sides, defend our sides, and begin to see the other side as someone to defeat rather than as a human being (or a group of human beings).

Rather than being known for our love, we're known for our arguments, our rhetoric, and fairly or not, our judgment.

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