Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Judging Someone's Openness

Tarina and I watched Silver Linings Playbook the other evening.  Now, the movie does have a fair amount of language and a very suggestive scene or two in it, but there's a different scene that stuck with me.  Jennifer Lawrence's character Tiffany is sharing some pretty sensitive stuff with Bradley Cooper's character Pat.  Both characters have their 'issues' but after Tiffany's revelations, Pat is pretty quick with his judgment.  Tiffany is shocked.  Instead of thinking she was sharing with a friend or at least someone who can empathize with her journey, she's met with scorn and judgment.

Do we do this in the church?  Do we do this with other believers?  Instead of extending grace, we offer judgment.  Instead of protection, we opt for injury.

If we desire to know people as they really are, we are going to have to put down the stones.

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