Friday, May 31, 2013

The Perfect Attendance Award

My kids came home from school a couple weeks ago and told me they didn't get the 'perfect attendance' award.  They missed only a couple days- 1 for an illness, the other for leaving early on trips to the cities- but alas, they didn't receive the 'perfect attendance' award.

Perhaps there is a correlation between perfect attendance and academic achievement (notice I didn't say attendance and achievement because of course missing too much school is going to impact learning), but really, doesn't this award recognize either a) an awesome immune system and/or b) students who have absolutely nothing going on outside of school Monday through Friday?

Life doesn't hand out perfect attendance awards.

Yes, there's something to be said for never missing work or school, but so much of life happens while in an extracurricular activity, a conference, on vacation- outside of 8-5 or M-F.  Again, this isn't to downgrade showing up, loyalty, and working when you feel less than your best.  Those are all great traits.

But if the only goal is attendance and doing nothing once you're there, you'll be settling for the perfect attendance award.

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